Why you should send your child to a playgroup – Playgroups for young children have become very popular in recent years. Although it might seem like an odd concept for a baby, playgroups actually provide them with lots of benefits.
Let us share about Why you should send your child to a playgroup?
What exactly is a playgroup?
A playgroup is a group of parents and their children who get together on a regular basis so the children can play with each other. The meetings probably occur at someone’s house but they could also take place at a local nursery school or a community center.
The parents usually have coffee, tea and chat while their children play together. Or they will leave them to a teacher who will manage the playgroup children. It is usual for them to be allowed outside to run around or use the playground equipment so long as they don’t go too far away from the adults. Some playgroups also involve planned activities such as arts and crafts or story telling.
How can playgroups benefit your child?
Playgroups provide many benefits to young children, including:
• Gives them opportunities to socialize with other children
This is especially important for young children as they don’t get the chance to spend much time around other kids of their own age at home. Playgroups provide a safe and fun environment for them to play with other children, whilst being supervised by the group’s parents.
• Encourages social skills
Parents can help their child learn appropriate social behavior when they go to a playgroup. For example, if one of the children doesn’t want to join in with a particular game then she should not be forced to. Instead, the parent should encourage her son or daughter to find another game they are both happy to play.
• Introduces them to new experiences
At home, your child will only have access to the toys that you have at home. A playgroup is a great way for them to learn about objects they would never get the chance to use at home, such as art and craft supplies. This enables them to discover new activities they might enjoy.
• Gives them a steady routine
If you get your child into a regular playgroup then this can help him or her transition from being looked after by you to going to nursery school. If your child is currently at home with you then they will find it easier to adapt if they know what to expect.
• Enhances their independence
Children who go to playgroups are more likely to have better personal hygiene habits, including being able to wash and dry their hands by themselves. They are also more likely to be capable of dressing themselves without help from their parents.
What are the disadvantages?
Of course, there are some downsides to sending your child to a playgroup. For example:
• If they don’t get on with any of the other children then it could be very stressful for them
It is possible that your child will not like another child who goes to their group. This could make the play session very stressful for them. If this happens often then you might want to give your child more time to get used to the group before forcing them to see each other again.
• You will have less quality time with your son or daughter
This can be difficult if you are a working parent who wants their child to have as much time with them as possible. It can also be hard if you are a single parent who wants your child to spend more time with you instead of being around other kids all the time.
• They might feel left out
If you live near other families that have older children then it can be difficult for your baby or toddler to socialize with them. For example, if you live near a family that has older children and another parent brings their child who is the same age as your child then it could be difficult for both of them to play together as they would not be able to understand each other’s games.
What should I look out for when choosing a playgroup?
There are a number of things you should consider when selecting the right playgroup for your child. For example:
• The location
If you work full-time then it might not be practical to take part in a playgroup that meets during school hours as you will not be able to go along. You might prefer to only send your child to a playgroup that meets at the weekend when you can attend too.
• The group’s intended age range
If you have a child who is only one year old then they might not be able to socialize very well with children who are much older. In this situation it would probably be better for your child to join a playgroup that is aimed at babies.
• The group’s activities
If your child enjoys playing with cars then it might not be very practical for them to attend a playgroup that mainly features art and craft activities. Similarly, if your child prefers board games to outdoor play activities then you should make sure the group has both options available in order to accommodate all their needs.
• The group’s costs
It is vital to ensure your child does not miss out on going to a playgroup because you feel it will be too expensive for you. In this situation, you should consider looking at different options such as asking if any other moms from the group would be happy for your child to go along to their sessions.
If you are still not sure if your child would enjoy attending a playgroup then it might be worth asking them what they think of the idea of joining one. You could even take them along to meet some of the children who attend before committing yourself.
Edufarm runs Singapore Reading Classes as well as Phonics Singapore classes.
Childhood Education is important for your child development.
The playgroup that Edufarm runs are courses for 2 years old and courses for 3 years old.
Such activites are best brain development Sinagpore.
If your child is ready for Playgroup 2022 Intake and Playgroup 2023 intake, sign up with us!
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